Bronasta medalja na Mednarodni filozofski olimpijadi eIPO 2021

Bronasta medalja na Mednarodni filozofski olimpijadi eIPO 2021

Blaž Sušnik, dijak 4. č, je že drugič osvojil bronasto medaljo na Mednarodni filozofski olimpijadi eIPO 2021, ki je tudi letos potekala na daljavo. Bil je edini slovenski tekmovalec z uvrstitvijo. Esej je napisal  na temo


“The ‘technification’ of our being: the fact that to-day it is possible that unknowingly and indirectly, like screws in a machine, we can be used in actions, the effects of which are beyond the horizon of our eyes and imagination, and of which, could we imagine them, we could not approve–this fact has changed the very foundations of our moral existence. Thus, we can become 'guiltlessly guilty', a condition which had not existed in the technically less advanced times of our fathers.”


(Burning Conscience: The case of the Hiroshima pilot, Claude Eatherly, told in his letters to Günther Anders. Letter 1: Günther Anders to Claude Eatherly. June 3rd, 1959. Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, 1961.)


Tekmovanje je potekalo v angleščini, zato temo navajamo v originalnem jeziku.


Iskrene čestitke Blažu in mentorici Alenki Hladnik